Who's talking about us?

On this page we have collected just some of the articles, blogs and other press in which we have been featured since launching Learnlife. If you have any press or media enquiries, get in touch with us.



How can schools embrace variability in learning?

Host of the Teachers' Voices podcast, Nina Alonso and Learnlife's own Devin Carberry discuss the ways that children can direct their own learning and how giving learners space to reconnect with learning on their own terms leads to incredible projects.
Impuls Educació

Lifelong Learning

A recent conversation with Impuls Educació, where we discussed international educational research and the power of global connections. Stephen Harris and Leticia Lipp shared their experiences at Learnlife, highlighting the critical role that strong leadership and a dedicated teaching team play in fostering lifelong learning for students.
unboxED Podcast

Passion will make you fall in love with learning

Our Founder, Christopher Pommerening, recently joined Emily Åman & Yvette Larsson from unboxED for a chat about how passion will make you fall in love with learning. He discussed life-centred learning and how passion, community and authentic challenges are key to a successful learning experience.
The Passive House Accelerator

Prefab Learning Hub on the Beach

Constructed using a series of prefabricated lightweight timber modules that were built off-site and assembled on the site, the Eco Hub is a 14m x 8m pop-up learning space that can be erected anywhere - even the beach.

How to support children’s mental health in school

Joyce Mininger, Learning Director at LearnLife, discusses with Nina Alonso the importance of reducing academic pressure to enhance children's well-being. They also explore how to nurture healthy relationships between teachers and students, while emphasizing the need to prioritize the well-being of both.
The Learnability Show

Stephen Harris: The Future of Education

Dr. Stephen Harris is the newest guest on Ian Gibbes' podcast, The Learnability Show. In this episode, he tackles the key objective of learning institutions, discusses the skills children will need in the future, predicts the future of further education and offers insights on how schools can shift into the 21st century. Tune in now and be inspired by his vision of the future of education.
Eva Keiffenheim

How 9 of the World's Most Innovative Schools Ignite Children's Love for Learning

In 2022, I visited classrooms in different countries, attended global education conferences, and read dozens of books on education and learning. Here are some of the world's most innovative schools that push the boundaries of what schools can look and feel like.
UCL Centre for Educational Leadership

The Future School

This thinkpiece arises out of the opportunity offered to me by the Australian Learning Lecture, to explore the nature of The Future School. The work was completed just before COVID-19 struck. Subsequently it has been published in extended form as FutureSchool

Com han de ser les escoles del futur perquè no siguin sexistes?

Tot i que els patis siguin el punt calent, hi ha altres espais que poden generar desigualtats
Stromberg Gymnasium

Deeper Learning am Stromberg-Gymnasium

What connects the University of Heidelberg and the Learnlife Centre Barcelona with Stromberg-Gymnasium in Vaihingen
Vaihinger Kreiszeitung

Besonderes Lernen im Nebenweg

Was die Uni Heidelberg und das Learnlife-Center Barcelona mit dem Stromberg-Gymnasium in Vaihingen verbindet.

2022 Europe EdTech 200

The Europe EdTech 200 is focused on identifying young, fast growing and innovative learning, teaching and up-skilling startups across Europe.
Metropolitan Barcelona

Reigniting the Passion for Learning

Learnlife is an education innovation project based in the heart of Barcelona. At Learnlife, individualized programs are directed by learners themselves, based on their passions. This means that learners are encouraged to find the things that get them engaged and curious, accompanied all the while by supportive learning guides and 360-degree feedback. Progression to deeper levels of learning and responsibility are not automatically based on where your birthday falls, but on the level of maturity.

HundrED Global Collection 2023

The 100 innovations selected for this year’s global collection are impacting the lives of over 95 million students worldwide. The collection highlights the important role of teachers in education innovation; the continued need for students to develop 21st century skills, including social and emotional learning; an increasing focus on student wellbeing and mental health; and equity in education.
Catalyst 2030

Pathways to Transforming Education: Proven Solutions from Social Entrepreneurs

Pathways to Transforming Education details how we can adopt evidence-based learning principles and collaboratively revolutionise education. This report showcases tried and tested leapfrogging strategies created by education social entrepreneurs and innovators from around the world to bring about systemic, lasting change for all learners.
Arch Daily

Learnlife Learning Center / Solange Espoille de Learnlife

Learnlife Eco Hub is a sustainability and innovation center situated in Castelldefels, a short distance outside the city of Barcelona. A learning center for all ages and community members, located in a stunning plot of land just yards from the sea and surrounded by a pine forest.
Arqitectura Viva

Learnlife Eco Hub, centro de aprendizaje sostenible y con respeto al medioambiente

Situado en Castelldefels (Barcelona), Learnlife Eco Hub es un centro de aprendizaje sobre la eficiencia, sostenibilidad e innovación, pensado para todas las edades y miembros de la comunidad.
Arquitectura y Madera

Learnlife Eco Hub

Learnlife Eco Hub es un centro de sostenibilidad e innovación situado en Castelldefels, a poca distancia de la ciudad de Barcelona. Un centro de aprendizaje para todas las edades y miembros de la comunidad situado en un impresionante terreno a pocos metros del mar y rodeado de un bosque de pinos.
NAN Arquitectura

Learnlife Eco Hub: una comunidad de innovación donde explorar el nuevo paradigma de aprendizaje

Learnlife Eco Hub es un centro de sostenibilidad e innovación situado en Castelldefels, a poca distancia de la ciudad de Barcelona. Un espacio de aprendizaje para todas las edades y miembros de la comunidad ubicado en un impresionante terreno a pocos metros del mar y rodeado de un bosque de pinos.

Learnlife - A learning experience inside and out

Most of you in K-12 will have heard of Learnlife. Founded in 2017, they have already made waves in the world of education, in their mission to totally transform the way we support young people to find their purpose, or ikigai, in life.
International Teacher Magazine

All a game?

Bryan Gibson looks at the growing evidence that gaming and Game-based Learning is set to play an increasingly important role in education.

Learnlife: The Elements of Learning Innovation

Traditional learning models are still focusing on learning from a previous era and assessing using a one size-fits-all approach. The Elements place the learner at the centre of the learning because the world is ready for this type of personal learning experience.

Unleashing the Power of Learner Agency: Learnlife

The ability of learners to successfully exercise agency depends on four key elements: positive relationships, self-confidence, self-management, and program design. Psychological safety and unconditional positive regard are the bedrock of the positive relationships that enable learners to progressively take more agency.

The hottest startups in Barcelona

Blessed with a creative heritage, Barcelona’s startups are amongst the most forward-thinking in Europe.
International Teacher Magazine

Hublings: Student-directed learning spaces

Learnlife's Ulrike Suwwan makes a real case for establishing Hublings as fexible spaces for self-directed learning on any school campus.

COVID-19 (and Learnlife) is What it Took to Change the Outdated Education Space

Christopher Pommerening of Learnlife tells us how COVID-19 served as a catalyst for learning innovation worldwide and the story of the organization pioneering.

Innovative Learning Community in Barcelona

We’ve all heard the words “innovative” and “alternative” used to describe learning environments that don’t do things the traditional way. But what does that word “innovative” really mean on a practical level, and can it really support our children to find their passions and to thrive in an uncertain future?
Barcelona Navigator

Barcelona Startups Guide 2021

A healthy ecosystem of investors, development entities and local talent has given rise to Barcelona earning its place among Europe’s leading startup hubs.
Silver Lining for Learning

Embracing a New Paradigm with Dr. Stephen Harris

A paradigm shift is needed in education. Dr. Stephen Harris comes with incredible expertise and amazing experiences leading innovative learning organizations. He is now director of learning at Learnlife, Barcelona.
Tech for Good

Updating the outdated in education

Christopher Pommerening, Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of LearnLife, on why education needs to be dragged into the 21st century via an open learning ecosystem
Hubbub Labs

10 Edtech Startups to Watch in 2021

Distance learning is the new normal. Here are 10 edtech startups empowering learners to build their skills remotely via digital platforms.

What Will The Future Of Work Look Like In 2021?

Working from home in 2020 has been a big change and an even bigger challenge for many people, but next year will see these changes become more solidified into working life. Here are my predictions for what the future of work will look like in 2021.
Education UAE

How COVID-19 presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overhaul the educational system

All around the globe, children are stuck in education systems that barely differ from those of their parents and even their grandparents. This is mind-boggling considering the pace of technological change – students are ultimately being prepared for a world that doesn’t exist anymore.
Muzo Works

Learning hubs: changing the face of 21st Century education

Muzo is proud to soon be joining forces with one of the most progressive learning providers in the world today. Learnlife, based in Barcelona, Spain, describe themselves as a “group of changemakers united by our passion to create a new lifelong learning paradigm”.
Business Express

Re-inventing our dated education systems to support the future economy

The education sector has long needed a shake up and perhaps Covid-19 has given us the chance to stand back and consider learning from a new, refreshed perspective.
International Teacher Magazine

Leader of the revolution?

The Learning Revolution has been a long time coming, but Christopher Pommerening may just be giving it the shape and impetus that it needed.
FE News

#OurTimeIsNOW: New Learning Innovation Festival to inspire positive change in education worldwide

November’s [RE]LEARN – The Learning Innovation Festival is calling for educators, influencers, learning innovators, education and change leaders to join the online event to explore key learnings and insight across the education sector.
Education Technology Magazine

[RE]LEARN festival bids to ‘unleash a new lifelong learning paradigm’

Virtually gathering more than 200 speakers from over 40 countries, festival organisers say that the pandemic has left education requiring a step-change in thinking
Atlas of the Future

Learning communities reimagine the future of education

To stay ahead in an increasingly automated world, we’ll need to be more human than ever. Enter the Learnhubs, where learners prepare for the future.
EU Startups

10 Barcelona-based startups that continue to grow fast despite the current crisis

Today, we’re introducing you to 10 exceptionally promising startups from Barcelona, founded between 2016 and 2020, which are continuing to grow fast despite everything that’s going on right now.

Learnlife – škola, která učí žít

Po první návštěvě Learnlife, vzdělávací laboratoře budoucnosti, jsem samým nadšením celou noc nemohla spát. Tady chci pracovat! Tady, kde se učí opravdu potřebné věci. Kritické myšlení, práce s nejmodernějšími technologiemi, ale i upřímné sdílení emocí a důležitost sebereflexe.

Stephen Harris (Learnlife): “La tecnología tiene que servir para impulsar un cambio de modelo educativo”

Una escuela sin aulas ni asignaturas, donde tampoco suena el timbre. Un proyecto piloto para desarrollar un nuevo modelo educativo para el futuro. Situada en una de las pocas calles peatonales del Eixample de Barcelona, Learnlife es una especie de laboratorio educativo donde tampoco hay profesores ni alumnos.
Digital Future Society

Christopher Pommerening on the end of standardised learning

Christopher Pommerening is the Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of Learnlife, a global team of more than 100 learning experts and thought leaders which aims to build an open ecosystem for a new lifelong learning paradigm suited to the rapid and evolving changes in our world and societies.
Business Insider DE

Gründer wollen 100 Millionen Kinder mit neuem Lernmaterial versorgen

Mit dem Wandel der Arbeitswelt wird sich auch die Bildung verändern müssen. Das Startup Learnlife will helfen und bekam dafür ein Millionen-Investment.
Crunchbase News

Barcelona’s Startups Push Forward Despite Political Challenges

Barcelona's entrepreneurs are trying to ignore the political fuss and continue with business.
EU Startups

10 Barcelona-based startups to look out for in 2019 and beyond

The Spanish startup ecosystem is on the rise, and Barcelona is leading the country. Here are 10 innovative startups founded in Barcelona within the past two years that we think deserve your attention in 2019.
Nueva Economia

Learnlife, La Escuela del Futuro

Learnlife, un programa piloto creado en Barcelona (España) por un grupo de emprendedores y expertos. Una escuela donde no hay ni aulas, ni exámenes, ni asignaturas.
Startups Real

Investment in 2019 continues to grow, June closes with €81.3M invested in startups in Spain

June does not slow down and maintains ascending constancy regarding investments in Spain exceeding the figure of 81 million Euro invested in startups.
El Referente

La inversión en 2019 sigue creciendo, junio cierra con 81,3M€ invertidos en startups en España

Junio cierra con 81 millones de euros invertidos en Startups en nuestro país en un total de 19 operaciones públicas
Dirigentes Digital

Un alemán quiere revolucionar el mundo educativo en España

España tiene una de las tasas de desempleo juvenil y de deserción escolar más altas del mundo desarrollado. Christopher Pommerening quiere cambiarlo
El Pais

Sin exámenes y sin títulos: en esta escuela los alumnos deciden cada día qué quieren aprender

Un grupo de emprendedores y expertos crea en Barcelona un programa piloto para que la innovación deje de ser un fenómeno minoritario y se extienda a todo el sistema educativo

Barcelona Startup News June 11, 2019

Barcelona Startup News June 11 2019 provides you with the most important Barcelona startup news, events and jobs from the week of June 11 2019. Read more here.
La Vanguardia

El fondo alemán BPO Capital lidera una ronda de 3,1 millones en Learnlife

La start-up barcelonesa Learnlife ha conseguido 3,1 millones de euros en su primera ronda de inversión. La operación ha sido liderada por el fondo alemán BPO Capital y ha contado con el apoyo de una veintena de inversores.
Tech EU

Barcelona-based lifelong learning startup Learnlife raises €3.1 million

Spanish-founded lifelong learning startup Learnlife has landed €3.1 million in a funding round led by BPO Capital. The company plans to use the money to grow the community of learners and educators, as well as open new “learning innovation hubs” across the world.
Via Empresa

Learnlife capta 3,1 millones de euros para transformar la educación

Learnlife ha captado 3 millones de euros para transformar el mundo del aprendizaje empoderando a personas, escuelas y gobiernos a través de un nuevo paradigma centrado en el alumno, según han informado en un comunicado.
El Periodico

Learnlife cierra una ronda de 3,1 millones de euros

Learnlife, proyecto educativo que propone un nuevo paradigma de aprendizaje, ha cerrado una ronda de financiación semilla (seed) de 3,1 millones de euros.
Via Empresa

Barcelona, 'hub' mundial de referència en educació

La capital catalana acull un innovador model d’aprenentatge amb la posada en marxa del primer espai pilot a escala internacional de 'Learnlife'
Diaria Ara

L’escola d’emprenedors Learnlife es vol expandir a altres països

L’any passat, aquest hub de l’ensenyament amb prou feines tenia un equip d’una desena d’empleats, mentre que ara la plantilla és d’unes 25 persones

El fundador de Active Venture abre un centro pionero en educación

El grupo Learnlife prevé inaugurar cien escuelas de aprendizaje durante la próxima década. Su primer centro cuenta con 1.200 metros cuadrados en la calle Enric Granados de la capital catalana.
BCN Metrópoli Abierta

Abren un centro pionero en educación en Barcelona

Christopher Pommerening apuesta por el aprendizaje por experiencias. El inversor, cofundador de Active Ventura Partners, apuesta por la capital catalana y abre un centro pionero en educación.

Llega a Barcelona un nuevo modelo de aprendizaje

El espacio piloto de Learnlife en la ciudad es el primero del mundo, siendo fruto de la voluntad de ofrecer soluciones de cambio a cualquier escuela.

Barcelona acull el primer espai pilot a nivell mundial de Learnlife

Learnlife, el projecte educatiu que proposa un nou paradigma d’aprenentatge que integra les necessitats reals del mercat laboral en l’educació, obre les portes de Learnlife Barcelona, el seu primer espai pilot d’aprenentatge innovador a escala internacional.
El Economista

Barcelona acoge un innovador modelo de aprendizaje con la puesta en marcha del primer espacio piloto a nivel mundial de Learnlife

Learnlife, el proyecto educativo que propone un nuevo paradigma de aprendizaje que integra las necesidades reales del mercado laboral en la educación, abre las puertas de Learnlife Barcelona, su primer espacio piloto de aprendizaje innovador a escala internacional.

Christopher Pommerening: “Para aprender un tema concreto no es necesario impartir una asignatura específica”

Christopher Pommerening, impulsor y director de Our Dreams School, nos habla sobre una innovación educativa basada en una forma diferente de enseñar.