Internship Learning Team (Educational Intern)


    This is ​not a traditional education internship​. There are no classes or grades or curriculum at Learnlife. Our learning guides co-design passion projects and learning experiences with our learners, facilitate personal development workshops, provide one-on-one coaching and mentoring, and collaborate with our many partners to craft a purpose-inspired, personal, experiential and community-engaged learning experience for all our learners.


    This is a startup!​ So we are looking for someone who is collaborative, communicates well, understands the importance of strong personal relationships and thrives in a fast-paced, innovative and agile environment. Due to the very busy nature of our work, the learning guides have limited time for direct coaching and support. You are able to ask for help and act in an agile way. People who have been successful so far have a sense of humour. Having an English level C1/C2 is an absolute must to thrive in our environment.

    As such, interns need to be self-starters and self-directed. In practice, this looks like identifying needs and beginning to help support those needs. It looks like championing a project, supporting individual learners, or assisting learning guides without needing too much hand holding. Along the way, we hope that you learn lots of skills and gain new understandings of how learning can be done differently. All of our interns report having learned more and grown much more than they imagined. 


    Every potential intern can have the option of a two week stage to determine if it is a good culture fit for both sides and to determine if there are ways that you can add value to what we are doing. From there we will create a roadmap with deliverables for your journey here. Internships at Learnlife should last between 3-6 months between September and June the following year you can join us part-time (4,6 hours a day) or full time (40 hours week) always starting at 9am. In order to make all the previous information possible, we need all candidates to be able to sign an internship agreement with your University, Business School or Education community. This type of sponsorship is a must! 


    While we plan to grow quickly and, as such, new roles will inevitably come open, we can make no promises of a job after your internship and we like to discourage people from interning who are thinking in that direction. If you want to join us to learn and grow, perfect! If your enjoyment of the experience is contingent on gaining employment, then this probably is not the internship for you. Internships are unpaid at Learnlife.


    Looking forward to hearing about you.

    Learnlife Team

    Contact person

    Leticia Lipp

    Contact me

